Why Not Spreadsheets?
A look at the positive and negative aspects of using spreadsheets for energy use tracking and utility bill analysis.
Web vs Desktop Applications for Tracking Energy Usage
A short overview of why a desktop software application for utility tracking can be a more cost-effective and accurate solution for energy accounting.
Interval Data vs Utility Bill Tracking
Interval Data analysis can provide considerable value, but is it practical for most organizations?
Choosing the Right Software
A needs assessment guide for helping you decide which utility tracking software solution will provide the necessary features, while also falling within your organization’s budget.
Other Factors to Consider
When choosing a system for utility bill tracking, you must consider other factors such as staff capability, staff availability, quality of technical support and ongoing costs. This short article will give you a few things to consider when making your decision.
Software Pre-Purchase Questionnaire
This page offers a detailed list of questions you should ask yourself before investigating the different utility bill tracking options. Spend some time addressing the topics on this page and it will help you find the best fit for your organization’s needs.